While most homes built today have standard glass or plexiglass windows, some have plastic windows. Plastic with built-in louvers has many advantages over glass. It can be easily and cheaply constructed to custom sizes and shapes, it is generally stronger than glass, and it will shape better over time. However, as a homeowner of a building with plastic windows, you may have noticed that these types of windows are completely -totally difficult-to clean compared to glass windows. Read on for a brief guide on how to keep plastic windows sparkling and clean.
cleaning solutions
Compared to glass windows, plastic windows tend to collect more dust, dust and debris because plastic windows have very little static charge. Therefore, it is possible for small particles to stick to plastic windows compared to glass windows. This means that you use a different technique for cleaning plastic windows than glass windows usually do.
One of the best cleaning solutions for plastic windows is a completely non-hazardous or non-toxic cleaner: warm water and vinegar. Combine 4 parts warm water with 1 part vinegar and stir the mixture thoroughly. While still warm, apply it to the plastic windows with a rag or spray bottle and let it sit for a while. Often, this often helps to remove dust that may have built up on these types of windows.
There are many other effective commercial solutions. Many professional plastic cleaning solutions will help accomplish the same task equally effectively. However, these solutions are also quite corrosive and can pose a health risk to you, your family or your pets.
scrub the windows
After soaking the special-purpose solution into the window, wipe it off with a clean rag. The key to keeping your windows as clean as possible is to clean them with a proper cloth. In fact, a cloth with small particles can rub off and can actually make plastic windows dirtier than before you tried to clean them. Instead, clean a pair of glasses with a rag.
Wipe the window lightly, being careful not to apply too much force, or you may stain the window.
If the window is not completely clean when you wash it, you will need to scrub and repeat the process again. After scrubbing the windows, make sure to let the solution dry on the windows and repeat.